Difference between types and type members in C sharp Arabic #47

 Difference between types and type members in C sharp Arabic #47

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Enums in C sharp arabic #46

❑ The difference between types and members.

❑ Organizes code with regions.

Types VS Type Memthers

in this example Customer is the type and fields, Properties and method are type members.

❑ So, in general classes ,structs, enums, interfaces, delegates are called as types and fields,
properties constructors , methods etc., that normally reside in a type are called as type members.

❑ In C# there are 5 different access modifiers.

1. Private

2. Protected

3. Internal

4. Protected Internal

5. Public

Type members can have all the access modifiers, where as types can have only 2 (Internal, public) of the 5 access modifiers.

Note: Using regions you can expand and collapse sections of your code either manually or using visual studio Edit -> Outlining -> Toggle All Outlining

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