Method Overloading in C sharp Arabic #24


Method Overloading in C sharp Arabic #24

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Method Overriding VS Method Hiding in C sharp Arabic #23

❑ Method overloading

Method overloading

❑ Function overloading and method overloading terms are used interchangeably

❑ Method overloading allows a class to have multiple methods with the same name , but, with a different signature. So, in C# functions can be overloaded based on the number, type(int, float etc.) and kind (Value , Ref or Out) of parameters

❑ The signature of a method consists of the name of the method and the type, kind(value, reference, or output) and the number of its formal parameters. The signature of a method does not include the return type and params modifier. So , it is nor possible to overload a function , just based on the return type or params modifier.

❑ Note: if you want to know about different kinds of method parameter.

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