Reflection in C sharp Arabic #52


Reflection in C sharp Arabic #52

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❑ The basics of reflection.

❑ Understand the uses of reflection.


Reflection is the ability of inspecting an assemblies metadata at is used to fid all types in an assembly and/or dynamically invoke methods in an assembly.

Uses of reflection:

1-when you drag and drop a button on a win forms or an asp.ent application. The properties window uses reflection to show all the properties of the Button class. So, reflection is extensively by IDE or UI Designers.

2-late binding can be achieved by using reflection. You can use reflection to dynamically create an instance of a type , about which we don’t have any information at compile time. So, reflection enables you to use code that is not available at compile Time.

3-consider an example where we have two alternate implementations of an interface. You want to allow the user to pick one or the other using a config file. With Reflection, you can simply read the  name of the  class whose implementation you want to use from the config file , and instantiate an instance of that class .this is another example for late binding using reflection .

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