Some useful methods of list collection class in C sharp Arabic #79


Some useful methods of list collection class in C sharp Arabic #79

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❑ Some useful methods of List collection class.

Useful methods of List collection class in C#

In this video , we will discuss the following methods

TrueForAll(): Returns true or false depending on whether if every element in the list matches the conditions defined by the specified predicate.

ASReadOnly(): Returns a read-only wrapper for the current collection. Use this method, if you don’t want the client code to modify the collection i.e add or remove any elements from the collection . The ReadOnlyCollection will not have methods to add or remove items from the collection .you can only read items from this collection.

TrimExcess(): sets the capacity to the actual number of elements in the List , if that number is less than a threshold value

According to MSDN: This method can be used to minimize a collection’s memory overhead if no new elements will be added to the collection. The cost of reallocating and copying a large List <T> can be considerable. So the TrimExcess method does nothing if the list is at more that 90 percent of capacity .This avoids incurring a large reallocation cost for a relatively small gain .The current threshold is 90 percent , but this could change in the future

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